
In 2020, the global economy is expected to shrink 3%, the worst decline since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused some significant economic challenges businesses must overcome. During a tough economy, it is crucial for businesses to look for ways that increase efficiencies and can reduce costs. In this article for Workflow, our Marketing Manager, Christina Robbins, shares advice on how your organization can successfully navigate this economic decline.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced most the workforce to work from a remote setting and exchange data through the internet making information vulnerable to cyber-attacks. The best way to protect your data from attack, while employees work remote, is by having a data protection strategy and the right technologies in place. In this article, our CEO, HK Bain, shares insights into what technology features you need to securely work from home.

With the flood of employees heading home in March due to COVID-19, we were most concerned about quickly enabling remote work. Now that the dust has settled, it’s time to turn our attention to the ongoing need to protect sensitive information regardless of where it’s being accessed. Check out this article from Christina Robbins that can help you identify the critical security features you need to keep data secure.

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Our CEO, HK Bain, weighs into the discussion on preventing cyber attacks, and he offers a simple one-page checklist that can help every company assess their own risk.

Are You in Control Over Who Has Access to Your Customer’s Sensitive Information?

See how RMMI, a Digitech Systems reseller, was able to increase the security of their customers’ files with ECMNOW!

Information security has become one of the most important aspects of a company’s digital strategy. Plus, the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which applies to any company collecting personal information from EU citizens, requires strict regulations on data collection, storage, and transfer. Stop blindly trusting that online data sharing applications or in-house data management is risk-free and examine your company’s solution to see that it encompasses all of our five levels of security.

It’s a hot topic for all businesses! Take a look at the list of biggest data security mistakes from 34 experts in the field, including our own CEO, HK Bain. You’ll gather some useful tips to protect yourself!