
Did you know 96% of patient complaints are about customer service? Find out how better access to records can improve patient care in this article by our CEO.

What are the most effective ways to reduce waste in healthcare? Our own CEO, HK Bain, weighs in on the discussion. Find out just how much those older paper records are costing you.

Did you know that your EMR is only one piece of a larger record management puzzle? Find out how to improve the quality of patient care and ease your health records transition with ECM.

Is Navigating Through Your Electronic Health Records System Painful?

Adding an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system can help you bring the technology gap the EHR may have left you with.

Electronic Health Records (EHR) are incomplete without historic, paper-based patient files. Find out how ECM can help link paper-based information into an EHR application to improve the quality of care for your patients.

Many EHR systems do not easily integrate information from older, paper-based records, yet most healthcare organizations have decades of older records. The information in these older records is essential for physicians trying to diagnose and treat patients. Find out how Rockland Eye Clinic uses the ECM system called PaperVision® Enterprise in conjunction with their EHR to improve patient care.

Implementing EHRs in your healthcare practice will not give you access to all of your historic, paper-based records. Find out why ECM is an essential component to get the most out of your EHR implementation.

The inefficiencies of paper records will stymie healthcare professionals when the influx of new patients hits as the Affordable Care Act reaches implementation in 2014. Find out how ImageSilo® Cloud ECM is helping The University of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago to prepare.

The Mental Health Center of Denver used PaperVision® Capture and PaperVision® Enterprise to convert their paper medical files into Electronic Health Records (EHR). Along the way, they improved patient care and earned 1315% ROI on their investment.

Rural hospitals need to comply with federal mandates for Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records (EHR), and it may not be as costly or complicated to do so as you might think! Find out how Yuma Hospital in rural Colorado is using ImageSilo® the Cloud ECM to cut costs and improve patient care.