Win budget and grant approval to start benefiting from ECM for Education

With so many demands on your school's limited budget, how can you secure funding for digital student records? For starters, share the results of this study by Nucleus Research that shows content management returns $8.55 per every $1 spent. That’s a significant return on investment and a great way to reduce costs and free up more money for the classroom and other top priorities.

Read this short eBook to learn more about the ROI of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) for Education as well as other effective tips, strategies and talking points to build support and win funding for your digital student records project.

In this eBook, you will learn:

  • How digital records free money for the classroom
  • How government and private-donor grants along with donations from your local parent-teacher organization are easily within reach
  • How working with a trusted technology provider enhances your chance of funding approval

You’ll also learn how the easy, affordable PaperVision® suite of cloud content management products and services lets you avoid the complex, drawn out budget approval process common with higher-priced technology.

“The goal for schools is always to save on operational costs in order to put more money into instruction. (The PaperVision® suite) allows us to improve staff efficiency and to convert storage space into classrooms, putting more of our budget to work for students,” says Dr. Troy Whalen, Superintendent of Cook County/Summit School District #104 in Summit, IL.

Use this eBook to help you secure the funding to start benefiting from digital student records and other ECM for Education services.

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